Ph.D., Psychology
Assistant Professor in psychology
University of Strasbourg (Unistra)
Laboratory of Psychology of Cognitions (LPC)
E-mail : commissaire@unistra.fr
Phone : +33 (0)3 68 85 53 72
Education & professional positions held
2013- present : Assistant Professor (Department of Psychology) - University of Strasbourg, France
Research scientist, Laboratory of Psychology of Cognitions (LPC)- University of Strasbourg, France
2012 : Ph.D. (Psychology) – Joint Ph.D between University of Lille 3, France & University of Dundee, Scotland, UK.
2008 : M.A. (Psychology) – University of Lille 3, France
2005 : B.A. (Psychology)- University of Rouen (Erasmus at University of Murcia, Spain)
Topics of interest
My work is in the field of the cognitive psychology of language, psycholinguistics and the psychology of development and learning.
I have been leading the LPC's 'Language and Learning' axis since September 2022.
- Orthographic processing skills, orthographic learning, orthographic training
PhD students supervised or co-supervised : Claire Fontaa (2019-2023) ; Sophie Joly-Froment (2022-)
- Cross-language transfer of reading and associated skills in young bilinguals or L2 learners
- Orthographic coding during visual word recognition - orthographic neighborhood and markedness effects
PhD students co-supervised: Marie-Ange Lecerf (2018-2023) ;
- Vocabulary acquisition in a second language
PhD student co-supervised: Florian Salomé (2017-2021)
- Emotion processing in bilinguals - Vocal emotion recognition
PhD student supervised: Hiba Errajraji (2022-)
Publications & other scientific activities
Peer-reviewed papers
20. Pacton, S., & Commissaire, E. (accepted). Statistical learning and spelling: The case of graphotactic regularities. L´Année Psychologique / Topics in Cognitive Psychology
19. Salomé, F., Commissaire, E., & Casalis, S. (accepted). Contribution of orthography on vocabulary acquisition in a second language: evidence of an early word-learning advantage in elementary-school children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
18. Lecerf, M.-A., Casalis, S., & Commissaire, E. (accepted). New insights into bilingual visual word recognition: state of the art on the role of orthographic markedness, its theoretical implications and future research directions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
17. Commissaire, E. (2022). Do both WRAP and TRAP inhibit the recognition of the French word DRAP? Effect of orthographic markedness on cross-language orthographic priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(6), 1094-1113.
16. Commissaire, E., & Demont, E. (2022). Investigating L2 reading aloud and silent reading in typically developing readers and dyslexic adolescents from grades 6 to 9. Dyslexia, 28(1), 40-59
15. Salomé, F., Casalis, S., & Commissaire, E. (2022). Bilingual advantage in L3 vocabulary acquisition: evidence of a generalized learning benefit among classroom-immersion children. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 25(2), 242-255.
14. Commissaire, E., Demont, E., & Besse, A.-S. (2020). Introduction to the special issue on written language learning. European Review of Applied Psychology, 70(1), 100526
13. Chung, S. C., Chen, X., Commissaire, E., Krenca, K., & Deacon, H. (2019). Testing the self-teaching hypothesis in second language reading. Writing Systems Research, 11(1), 1-11.
12. Commissaire, E., Duncan, L. G., & Casalis, S. (2019). Investigating pseudohomophone interference effects in young second language (L2) learners. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 180, 1-18. [Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology]
11. Commissaire, E., & Besse, A.-S. (2019). Investigating lexical and sub-lexical orthographic processing skills in French 3rd and 5th graders. Journal of Research in Reading, 42(2), 268- 287. [Q2 Developpemental and Educational Psychology]
10. Commissaire, E., Audusseau, J., & Casalis, S. (2019). Disentangling cross- language orthographic neighborhood from markedness effects during L2 visual word recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26(1), 353-359. [Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology]
9. Commissaire, E., Besse, A.-S., Demont, E., & Casalis, S. (2018). Grapheme coding during sub-lexical processing in French 3rd and 5th graders. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 173, 78- 84 [Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology]
8. Battistutta, L., Commissaire, E., & Steffgen, G. (2018). Impact of the time of diagnosis on dyslexic adolescents' self-efficacy beliefs. Learning Disability Quarterly, 41(3), 170- 178. [Q1 Education]
7. Commissaire, E., & Casalis, S. (2018). The use and nature of grapheme coding during sub-lexical processing and lexical access. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(6), 1324-1339. [Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology]
6. Casalis, S., Commissaire, E., & Duncan, L. G. (2015). Sensitivity to morpheme units in English as L2 word recognition. Writing Systems Research
5. Commissaire, E., Duncan, L. G., & Casalis, S. (2014). Grapheme coding in L2: how do L2 learners process new graphemes? Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 26(7), 725- 739.
4. Pasquarella, A., Deacon, H., Chen, B. X., Commissaire, E., & Au- Yeung, K. (2014). Acquiring orthographic processing through word reading: Evidence from children learning to read French and English. International Journal of Disability, Development & Education, 61(3), 240- 257.
3. Commissaire, E., Pasquarella, A., Chen, X., & Deacon, S. H. (2014). The development of orthographic processing skills in children in early French immersion programs. Written Language & Literacy, 17(1), 16-39. PDF
2. Deacon, S. H., Commissaire, E., Chen, X., & Pasquarella, A. (2013). Learning about print: the development of orthographic processing and its relationship to reading in first grade children in French immersion. Reading & Writing, 26, 1087- 1109. PDF
1. Commissaire, E., Duncan, L. G., & Casalis, S. (2011). Cross-language transfer of orthographic processing skills. A study of French children who are learning English at school. Journal of Research in Reading, 34(1), 59-76.
In preparation:
Commissaire, E. Role of letter- name in learning to read: a study on French adults learning Greek as a novel language.
Book chapters
Casalis, S., & Commissaire, E. (in press). The role of morphology in second language reading. In R. Berthiaume, D. Daigle & A. Desrochers (Eds). Morphological processing and literacy development: current issues and research. Routledge.
Commissaire, E., (2018). Psychologie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence. L'héritage de Piaget. In J. Cottin & H. Derroitte (Eds.). Nouvelles avancées en psychologie et pédagogie de la religion. Lumen Vitae: Bruxelles.
Conference/workshop: oral communications
Errajraji, H., & Commissaire, E. (2021). The influence of emotional valence on the organisation of the mental lexicon. 61e Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, 08-10 Décembre, Tours, France.
Fontaa, C., & Commissaire, E. (2021). La compétence orthographique lexicale peut-elle constituer un facteur de médiation dans l’apprentissage orthographique ? Colloque TAO: "Enseigner et apprendre l'orthographe à l'heure du numérique", 25-26 Octobre, Créteil, France.
Beck, V., & Commissaire, E. (2021). Apprentissage implicite de l'orthographe en langue seconde. Colloque TAO: "Enseigner et apprendre l'orthographe à l'heure du numérique", 25-26 Octobre, Créteil, France.
Salomé, F., Commissaire, E., & Casalis, S. (2021). Orthography facilitates semantic and phonological L2 learning among third and fifth graders: evidence of an early advantage independent of growing reading automatization? XV international symposium of psycholinguistics, 22- 25 June, Madrid, Spain.
Commissaire, E. (2020). Activation émotionnelle lors de la lecture de mots chez le bilingue. 3ème édition du Colloque Langage et éMOTions, 26- 27 novembre. Bordeaux.
Fontaa, C., Doignon-Camus, N., Daigle, D., Berthiaume, R., Jarlégan, A., Commissaire, E., & Besse, A.-S. (2020). Favoriser le développement du langage écrit chez les enfants faibles lecteurs: intérêt d'un entraînement morphologique. Communication orale. 13e colloque international du Réseau Interuniversitaire de Psychologie du Développement et de l'Education, Nancy.
Commissaire, E. (2019). Effects of neighborhood and markedness in bilingual visual word recognition. Invited Symposium at the international Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia (IWORDD), 2-4 October, San Sebastian, Spain.
Salomé, F., Casalis, S., & Commissaire, E. (2019). Linguistic immersion to foreign language (L2) facilitates vocabulary learning in a third language (L3). Psycholinguistics in Flanders. Antwerp, May 23-25.
Commissaire, E. & Casalis, S. (2019). Disentangling cross-language orthographic markedness and neighborhood effects during L2 visual word recognition. XIV international symposium of pycholinguistics, 10- 13 April, Tarragona, Spain.
Commissaire, E. (2013). Sublexical mechanisms during L2 visual word recognition: orthographic and phonological influences. Invited talk at the workshop "Learning new words in L2: orthographic forms, phonological forms and pictures", 29 November, Lille, France.
Commissaire, E., Duncan, L.G., & Casalis, S. (2012). Phonological activation in L2 learners. Presented at the Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference, 28-30 November, Madrid, Spain.
Commissaire, E., Duncan, L. G., & Casalis, S. (2011). Language nonselective lexical access in young L2 learners: Evidence from cross-language orthographic masked priming. Presented at the 8th congress of the International Symposium on Bilingualism, 15-18 June, Oslo, Norway.
Commissaire, E., Duncan, L. G., & Casalis, S. (2010). Acquistion des représentations orthographiques dans une langue seconde: Etude d'amorçage chez des élèves francophones apprenant l'anglais au collège. Présented at the 52nd Conference of the French Society of Psychology (SFP), 7-9 September, Lille, France.
Conference/workshop: posters
Beck, V., & Commissaire, E. (2021). Apprentissage implicite de l'orthographe en langue seconde. Colloque "Enseigner et apprendre l'orthographe à l'heure du numérique". Date à venir, Créteil.
Lecerf, M.-A., Commissaire, E., Demont, E., & Casalis, S. (2021). Is HEAR easier to recognize than HOUR for a French-speaker who learned English at school? Poster presented at the XV international symposium of psycholinguistics, 21- 23 June, Madrid, Spain.
Knopf, L., & Commissaire, E. (2020) Langage, musique et émotions : l'expertise musicale module-t-elle le traitement des mots émotionnels lors de l'accès au lexique ? 3ème édition du Colloque Langage et éMOTions, 26- 27 novembre 2020, Bordeaux.
Salomé, F., Casalis, S., & Commissaire, E. (2019). Impact of an L2 immersion linguistic program on L3 vocabulary learning: specific or general effects ? Poster presented at the 21th meeting of the European Society for COgnitive Psychology (ESCOP), 25 - 28 September, Tenerife, Spain.
Salomé, F., Commissaire, E., & Casalis, S. (2019). Orthographic information facilitates L2 vocabulary memorization: evidence of early accurate L2 orthographic representations among third grade monolingual children. Poster presented at the XIV international symposium of pycholinguistics, 10- 13 April, Tarragona, Spain.
Lecerf, M.-A., Commissaire, E., Comesaña, M., & Casalis, S. (2019). Does orthographic cue help children to learn vocabulary in L2 ? A spoken word recognition on French fifth graders. Poster presented at the XIV international symposium of pycholinguistics, 10- 13 April, Tarragona, Spain.
Battistutta, L., Commissaire, E., & Steffgen, G. (2017). Impact of the time of diagnosis on dyslexic adolescents' self-efficacy beliefs. Poster presened at the 17th European Conference of Developmental Psychology, August 29th - September 1st, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Chung, S. C., Deacon, S. H., Chen, X., Commissaire, E., D'Angelo, N., Laroche, A., & Krenca, K. (2016). Testing the self-teaching hypothesis in children learning to read French as a second language. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C., USA, April.
Commissaire, E., & Casalis, S. (2015). On the locus of grapheme cohesion effect during visual word recognition. 12th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, July 1-4, Valencia, Spain.
Commissaire, E., Duncan, L.G., & Casalis, S. (2011). Grapheme coding in L2 learners. Workshop on Bilingualism, September 12-14, Aix-en-Provence, France.
Commissaire, E., Duncan, L.G., & Casalis, S. (2011). Orthographic representations in a second language: Evidence from French learners of English. AMLAP, September 1-3, Paris, France.
Commissaire, E., Duncan, L. G., & Casalis, S. (2010). Lexical and sublexical orthographic interactions during L2 word recognition in young L2 learners. 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 7-10, Berlin, Germany.
Commissaire, E., & Casalis, S. (2009). Is there a connection between cross-language orthographic representations in beginning bilinguals? Effect of neighbourhood frequency in a masked priming study. Sixteenth European Society for Cognitive Psychology Conference, September 2-5, Krakow, Poland.
Commissaire, E., & Casalis, S. (2009). Second language orthographic representations in children learners. Masked priming paradigm: a good tool for investigating L1-L2 lexicon? Sixteenth Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, June 25-27, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Commissaire, E., & Casalis, S. (2008). Orthographic skills in French 8th grade children learning English as a second language: Exploring orthographic transfer. Sixth International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, October 7-10, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Invited talk
Commissaire, E. (2019). Influence des propriétés formelles des mots dans l'apprentissage de mots anglais chez des élèves de primaire. Journées d'étude ReAL2 (recherche en acquisition des langues secondes), 21-22 novembre 2019, Université Lyon Lumière 2.
Commissaire, E. (2017). Influences des propriétés orthographiques sur la lecture en langue seconde. Presented for the Scientific day in tribute to Philippe Mousty, 13 october 2017, ULB: Bruxelles.
Commissaire, E. (2017). Psychologie du développement de l'enfant et de l'adolescent: Théorie de Piaget et perspectives contemporaines. Presented during the European conference entitled "Nouvelles avancées en psychologie et pédagogie de la religion", 26-27 January, Strasbourg, France.
Commissaire, E. (2015). Codage orthographique en reconnaissance visuelle de mots chez le lecteur expert et l’apprenti-lecteur, en langue maternelle et seconde. Invited talk presented during the CNFPS - CNFN meeting during the annual French Society of Psychology workshop, 2-4 September, Strasbourg, France.
Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (since 2025)
Psychologie Française; British Journal of Educational Psychology; Scientific Studies of Reading; European Review of Applied Psychology; Journal of Research in Reading; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Frontiers in Communication; Frontiers in Psychology; Annals of Dyslexia; Research in Developmental Disabilities; Journal of Experimental Child Psychology; Learning and Individual Differences; Cognitive Science
- 2019- 2021: PI of the project "Predictors of orthographic learning: a longitudinal study from grade 2 to 4". Funded by the GIS "Education" of the University of Strasbourg.
- 2016- 2020: Partner of the ANR APPREL2 Apprentissage de mots et développement du lexique en langue seconde en contexte scolaire (Word learning and development of the lexicon in a second language learned at school). Funded by the National Research Agency (ANR) Appel Générique 2015. (Scientific responsible: Séverine Casalis, collaborators: Elisabeth Demont, Ronald Peereman, Heather Hilton, Lynne Duncan, Montserrat Comesaña).
- 2015-2016: Partner of the project "Rêve aux lettres Dys", in collaboration with 'Créalettres' company, the dyslexic association APEDA, and the team "Cognitive Development and learning" from the LPC lab. Funding from the Alsace Region on a "social innovation" project.
- 2014-2015 : PI of the project "Second language vocabulary acquisition and impact of words' formal features: behavioral and electro-physiological studies". Funding IDEX 2014 from the University of Strasbourg. Partners: E. Demont (LPC, UdS); A.-S. Besse (LPC, UdS); DDL team from LILPA lab (UdS)
Organization of conferences
- 2015- Conference of the French Society of Psychology (SFP; 2-4 September 2015)- Member of the Organization Committee & Scientific Committee, Strasbourg, France
- 2014 – International Conference “learning written language: diversity of languages, uniqueness of disorders” (December 2014) – Funding: Unistra, RégionAlsace – Organization committee : E. Demont, AS Besse, E. Commissaire
Journal referee
- Scientific studies of reading- British Journal of Educational Psychology- Psychologie française
Valorisation de la recherche
- "L'apprentissage (précoce) d'une deuxième langue" (réalisé avec E. Demont et A.-S. Besse, dans le cadre d'un projet porté par le GDRI Neurosciences cognitives et écoles animé par J.-P. Thibaut, LEAD, Dijon. Site web: http://www.fondation-lamap.org/node/51332
Teaching & professional service
Years | Activities |
Since 2013 (Department of Psychology) University of Strasbourg |
2008- 2013 (Department of Psychology) University of Lille 3 |
Responsabilités collectives
Responsabilités volet "recherche"
Niveau local : Laboratoire de Psychologie des Cognitions
- Responsable de l'axe 2 "Langage et Apprentissages" du LPC (2022-)
- Gestion site web laboratoire (depuis 2014)
- Correspondant Relations Internationales (CORIR) du LPC (depuis 2018)
Niveau local : Faculté de Psychologie - Université de Strasbourg
- Membre de la commission recherche de la Faculté (depuis 2017), chargée notamment de l'organisation des conférences "regards croisés"
Niveau local : Université de Strasbourg
- Membre du Comité Ethique d'Etablissement (depuis 2018)
- Membre du Comité de Direction de la Fédération de Recherche Langage et Communication (FRLC) de l'Université de Strasbourg
- Directrice revue doctorale Strathèse (depuis 2018)
Responsabilités volet "formation"
Niveau national : DGESIP
- Membre de la commission des psychologues à la DGESIP, en charge de l'évaluation des diplômes étranger (nommée sept. 2023)
Niveau local : Faculté de Psychologie - Université de Strasbourg
- Responsable du Master 1 Psychologie Clinique du Développement et des Apprentissages: Enfance, Adolescence, Vieillissement (depuis 2022)
- Responsable du semestre 5 de Licence 3 (2016-2019)
- Responsable des UEs suivantes :
- L1 : MTU
- L2 : Méthodologie ; Vieillissement
- L3 : Psychologie de l'adolescent
- M1 : Développement des grandes fonctions cognitives ; Développement émotionnel ; Recherche fondamentale et appliquée ; Vieillissement ; Outils du psychologue
- Responsable Testothèque & commission documentaire (depuis 2014)
- Enseignant-référent Faculté de psychologie (L1 - L3)