BESSE Anne-Sophie
Lecturer in Cognitive and Developmental Psychology
University of Strasbourg (Unistra)
Laboratoire de Psychologie des Cognitions (LPC)
Mail : anne-sophie.besse@unistra.fr
Tel :
Education and Professional positions held
- Since 2010: Lecturer in developmental psychology - University of Strasbourg. Teacher at the Faculty of Psychology – research scientist, Laboratory of Psychology of cognitions (LPC- EA 4440)
- 2008-2009 : Post-doc position, University of Montréal (Québec - Canada).
- 2007-2008: ATER, University of Nantes
- 2006-2007: ATER, University Rennes 2
- 2003 2007: PhD in Developmental Psychology, University Rennes 2.
Dir.: Jean-Emile GOMBERT, Pr. in Cognitive Psychology of development
Title: “linguistic features and learning to read in first language and French as second language: devlomental and crosslinguistic perspective between Arabic and Portuguese”.
- 2003 : M.A. "Psychology Cognition Communication", University Rennes 2.
- Title of Psychologist.
Topics of interest
Since my PhD, aimed at investigating specific and universal features of learning to read and connected skills towards a cross-linguistics approach (i.e. Portuguese vs. Arabic), my research turn towards learning to read process and contribution of morphology during learning in bilinguals and monolinguals:
- The first line of my research focus on morphological processing of constructed words, its development on elementary school and its particularity in bilingual French. This research program aims at studying online different morphological processing that can be involved during reading of young or learners using priming paradigm with a lexical decision task, not so used with children. It aims at exploring whether morphological process of bilinguals young readers (who learn half-time French and half-time German in bilingual classes in Alsace) is specific and different from monolinguals processing. To our knowledge, this question has never been explored before. This line of research could help to clarify who does morphological processing set up during school learning and what is the bilingual impact on it.
- The second line focus on morphological awareness, an explicit skill connected to written language, definite as the ability to analyze and pay attention to morphological units of words and morphological rules of word construction. Research questions are 1/ the impact of bilingualism (or second language learning) on morphological awareness, reading and morphological awareness on reading in first language (L1), in order to test more rigorously what we call the bilingual metalinguistic advantage and its consequences. I try to kno whether morphological awareness or some aspect of it can play a role on reading abilities, distinguishing the two components (word recognition and comprehension) in a direct way or in an indirect way mediatized by vocabulary knowledge. 2/ the crosslinguistic transfer and influencing factors. Transfer reflects influences of L1 experiences on L2 learning and reciprocally and allows modeling and distinguishing specifics skills, dependent of formal features from universal and deeper processing skills. I’m also working this line in collaboration with Eva Commissaire with a project aiming to include morphological and orthographical skills studied in link with reading that is scarce. More recently, I have developed a program that aimed at testing scientifically and making grow applicate interventions or training on morphological word construction that are likely to support learning to read and even solve reading and writing disabilities of learners with SLI like dyslexia.
Academic fields: Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental and Learning Psychology, Psycholinguistic.
Keywords : Learning to read (word reading – comprehension) - morphology – morphological awareness - priming – training / interventions– bilingualism – cross linguistic studies – first language –second language – orthography – developmental dyslexia.
Liste des collaborateurs scientifiques actuels
- Rachel Berthiaume (Université de Montréal, Canada)
- Séverine Casalis (SCALab, Université de Lille 3)
- Eva Commissaire (LPC, Université de Strasbourg)
- Daniel Daigle (Université de Montréal, Canada)
- Elisabeth Demont (LPC, Université de Strasbourg)
- Nadège Doignon Camus (LISEC, Université de Strasbourg)
- Jean-Emile Gombert (LP3C, Université de Rennes)
- Annette Jarlégan (LISEC, ESPE Nancy)
- Lionel Landré (Icube, Université de Strasbourg)
- Nathalie Marec-Breton (LP3C, Université de Rennes)
- Marcia da Mota (Université de Rio de Janeiro, Brésil).
- Anila Fejzo (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
- Francine Gerhard-Krait (LiLPa, Université de Strasbourg)
- Marie Lammert (LiLPa, Université de Strasbourg)
- Helène Vassiliadou (LiLPa, Université de Strasbourg)
- Fraulein Vidigal de Paula (LEDA, Université de São Paulo, Brésil)
Publications and research activities
Articles in peer- reviewed journals
Fontaa, C, Besse, A.S. Chaigne, D. Thuillier S. & Landré, L. (submitted) Le langage dans l'épilepsie-absences de l'enfant : étude exploratoire. Glossa.
Roganti Leite Moreira, C., Demont, E., Vidigal de Paula, F. & Besse, A.S., (submitted) Conscience morphologique et lecture chez des enfants francophones apprenant le portugais comme langue seconde. L’année psychologique [Q2 Psychology]
Commissaire, E., Demont, E., & Besse, A.-S. (in press). Introduction to the special issue on written language learning. European Review of Applied Psychology.
Commissaire, E., & Besse, A.-S. (accepted). Investigating lexical and sub-lexical orthographic processing skills in French 3rd and 5th graders. Journal of Research in Reading. [Q1 Psychology]
Commissaire, E., Besse, A.-S., Demont, E., & Casalis, S. (accepted). Grapheme coding during sub-lexical processing in French 3rd and 5th graders. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. [Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology]
Besse, A.S., Marec-Breton, N., Roganti Leite Moreira, C. & Gombert, J.E., (accepted). Transfert de la conscience morphologique de l'arabe langue première au français langue seconde au cours des trois premières années d'apprentissage. Psychologie Française. [Q4 Psychology]
Besse, A.S., Moreira, C.R.L. & Vidigal de Paula, F. (2015) Les bénéfices de l'apprentissage d'une L2 sur le développement des habiletés métamorphologiques et de lecture chez des élèves de 3e et 5e année vivant au Brésil. ANAE, 136-137, 267-274. [Q4 Developmental and educational psychology] [pdf]
Mota M.M., Besse, A.S., Dias, J., Paiva, N., Mansur-Lisboa, S., & Silva, D.A. (2011). O desenvolvimento da consciência morfológica nos estágios iniciais da alfabetização. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica. 24(1), 144-150. [Q3 Psychology]. [pdf]
Besse, A.S., Marec-Breton, N., & Demont, E. (2010). Les compétences métalinguistiques des enfants bilingues. Enfance, 62(2), 167-199. [Q4 Developmental and educational psychology][pdf]
Berthiaume, R., Besse, A.S., & Daigle, D. (2010). L'évaluation de la conscience morphologique : proposition d'une typologie des tâches. Language Awareness, 19(3), 153-170. [Q2 Language and linguistics] [pdf]
Daigle, D., Ammar, A., Berthiaume, R., Besse, A.S., & Bastien, M. (2010). Syllabic Processing in Deaf Readers of French: A Second-Language Question? Deafness and Education International, 12(1), 16–33. [Q2 Education] [pdf]
Marec-Breton, N., Besse, A.S., Royer, C. (2010). La conscience morphologique est-elle une variable importante dans l’apprentissage de la lecture? Educar em Revista, 38, 73-91. [pdf]
Besse, A.S., Demont, E., & Gombert, JE. (2007). Traitements phonologiques et morphologiques dans l’apprentissage de la lecture en français langue seconde par des arabophones et des lusophones. Psychologie Française, 52(1), 89-105. [Q3 Psychology] [pdf]
Conference/Workshops :Oral communications
Besse, A.S., Fontaa, C., Doignon Camus, N., Daigle, D., Berthiaume, R. & Jarlégan, A. (2019, May) Efficacité d’un dispositif d’entrainement à la conscience morphologique pour soutenir l’apprentissage de la lecture d’enfants dyslexiques et normo-lecteurs : une étude française. Colloque « Enseigner les connaissances morphologiques : enjeux d’évaluation et d’intervention » 87e Congrès de l’ACFAS. Gatineau, Canada.
Besse, A.S., Moreira, C.R.L. Vidigal De Paula, F. (2017, july) The benefits of learning a second language on the development of morphological awareness and reading among students of 3rd and 5th grade living in Brazil. 24th Annual SSSR Meeting. Halifax, Canada.
Besse, A.S., Vidigal de Paula, F. & Marec-Breton, N. (2016, may). Conscience morphologique et traitement morphologique au cours de la lecture en 3e et 5e année. Colloque 506 « La conscience morphologique et sa contribution au développement de la littératie ». 84e congrès de l’ACFAS, Montréal, Canada.
Besse, A.S., Moreira, C.R.L. & Demont, E. (2016, may) Identification de mots, conscience morphologique et vocabulaire durant les premières années d'apprentissage de la lecture. Colloque 546 « Évaluation des représentations lexicales et incidences sur les pratiques enseignantes ». 84e congrès de l’ACFAS, Montréal, Canada.
Besse, A.S. & Marec-Breton, N. (2015, septembre) Procédure morpho-orthographique ou morpho-sémantique chez les jeunes lecteurs de CE2 et CM2 ? 56e congrès de la SFP, Strasbourg, France.
Moreira, C.R.L. Besse, A.S. & Demont, E. (2015, septembre) Conscience morphologique & apprentissage de la lecture d'enfants francophones de 1e & 3e année. 56e congrès de la SFP, Strasbourg, France.
Besse, A.S. & Vidigal de Paula, F. (2014, juillet). Metamorphological awareness and reading in Portuguese by Brazilian children learning and don’t learning French. ICAP, Paris, France.
Besse, A.S. (2014, avril). Compétences morphologiques et apprentissage de la lecture en FL2 perspective cross-linguistique. Colloque International Cognition, éducation, culture, Fès, Maroc.
Reder, F., Demont, E., Besse, A.S. (2012,july). Does second-language learner's advantage in reading abilities rely on better morphological awareness? 19th SSSR Annual Meeting, Montréal, Canada.
Besse, A.S. (2011, Septembre). L’apprentissage de la lecture en français langue seconde : le rôle des compétences morphologiques en langue première. Communication orale présentée au 53ème Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, Metz, France.
Besse, A.S. (2008, July). Morphological Awareness and Learning to Read French as Second Language: Cross-Linguistic Comparison between Arabic and Portuguese Speakers. Paper presented at the 20th Biennal meeting of International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Wurzburg, Allemagne.
Besse, A.S. (2008, Novembre). L’apprentissage de la lecture en français langue seconde : le rôle des premières acquisitions en langue première écrite. Communication orale présentée au Colloque Approches cognitive et développementale de l’apprentissage de la lecture, Angers, France.
Besse, A.S. (2007, Mars). Traitements grapho-phonologiques et grapho-sémantiques lors de la reconnaissance des mots écrits en arabe standard et en français langue seconde. Communication orale présentée au Colloque « L’élève en difficultés scolaires : que peut apporter la psychologie ? », Tunis, Tunisie.
Besse, A.S. (2007, Septembre). Traitements morphologiques et apprentissage de la lecture en Français Langue Seconde : L’influence des caractéristiques des langues premières écrites arabe versus portugais. Communication orale présentée au 2ème Colloque International de Didactique Cognitive, Toulouse, France.
Invited talks
Besse, A.S. (2017, december) La conscience morphologique des bilingues. Dipartimento di Studi Europei, Americani e Interculturali. Sapienza Università di Roma (Italie).
Besse, A.S. (2014, April). L’utilisation de la morphologie chez les jeunes lecteurs. Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives de l’Université Ben Abdellah de Fès (Maroc).
Conferences/Workshops: posters
Houot, B., Koechlin, E., Besse, A.S. (2018, Décember). Développer les habiletés sociales avec le théâtre chez les enfants avec TSA. Journée Stras’ Autism.
Moreira C. R. L., Elisabeth Demont, E., Vidigal de Paula, V. & Besse, A.S. (2018, May). Morphological awareness and reading in francophone children learning Portuguese as a second language. 8th annual Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics conference (FLTAL), Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Gavens, N., Bouchez, B, Besse, A.S., Clément, C., Galani R.,Gauckler, D., Kennel S., Kohler, S., Milon, A, Pagnani, B. Rakitic, F., Richard, O. Rohmer, O. (2017, September) Handicap : besoins spécifiques et pratiques pédagogiques à l'Université, quels liens réciproques ? Colloque Handicap & Autonomie, Mulhouse, France.
Moreira, C. R. L. ; Demont, E. ; Besse, A. S. (2015). Morphological awareness development and its relationship to the acquisition of reading in 1st, 3rd and 5th grades. XII International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. Valencia, Spain, 1-4 July 2015
Boukadida, N. & Besse, A.S. (2007, Septembre). L’influence des connaissances morphologiques sur l’apprentissage de la lecture en arabe standard et en français langue seconde chez les élèves tunisiens. 2ème Colloque International de Didactique Cognitive, Toulouse, France.
Books and chapters
Marec-Breton, N., Besse, A.S., Bonneton, N., de la Haye, F. & Bonjour E. (2009). Apprentissage de la langue écrite : approche cognitive. Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes. Collection Psychologies.
Besse, A.S. (2009). Caractéristiques des langues premières et apprentissages de la lecture en français langue seconde : perspective comparative interlangue entre l’arabe et le portugais. In N. Marec-Breton, A.S. Besse, N. Bonneton, F. de la Haye & E. Bonjour (Eds), Apprentissage de la langue écrite : approche cognitive (pp. 133-149). Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Research extension
Demont, E. & Besse, A.S. (2018). Le bilinguisme : Podcast « papier crayon » https://papier-crayon.fr/2018/12/20/episode-5-le-bilinguisme/
Besse A.S. (2018, December). Être bilingue, quels avantages cognitifs ? Journées d’étude «L'orthophoniste face au patient bilingue ou multilingue», ESEIS, Strasbourg.
Besse, A.S., Commissaire, E., Demont, E. (2018, April). Lecture et apprentissage de la lecture en L1 et L2 : que nous apprend la psychologie cognitive ? Journée « Entre laboratoires et terrains : Etat de la recherche en éducation dans l’académie de Strasbourg » , ESPE – Académie de Strasbourg, Sélestat.
Besse, A.S. (2018, April). Atelier Maîtrise de la langue. Journée « Entre laboratoires et terrains : Etat de la recherche en éducation dans l’académie de Strasbourg » , ESPE – Académie de Strasbourg, Sélestat.
Demont, E., Besse, A.S., & Commissaire, E. (2016) "L'apprentissage (précoce) d'une deuxième langue" Fondation La main à la pâte - GDRI Neurosciences cognitives et écoles animé par J.-P. Thibaut, LEAD, Université de Dijon. Site web: http://www.fondation-lamap.org/node/51332
Besse, A.S. (2013). Bilinguisme : vers une « coéducation des langues ». Le Furet, 70, 34–35.
Besse, A.S. (2010, September, October). L’apprentissage de la lecture et ses difficultés : approche cognitive. Conférences débats en deux cycles organisées par l’Ecole des Parents et des Educateurs des Hautes-Pyrénées, Tarbes, France.
Psychologie Française, Journal of Research in Reading, Revue de Neuropsychologie, Langage Learning, European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée (ERAP)
- 2017-2019 : Scientific supervisor of GIS program « Education & Formation » (ESPE of Strasbourg) “Promote the morphological awareness development of dyslexic students through a teaching program to remedy their reading difficulties”
Partners: N. Doignon-Camus, A. Jarlégan (LISEC – University of Strasbourg), D. Daigle, R. Berthiaume, (University of Montréal, Department of Didactic)
- 2017-2019 : Partner of GIS program « Education & Formation » (ESPE of Strasbourg) “Read and Understand at the elementary school: singularity, plurality and collective”
Supervisor M. Lammert (LILPA – University of Strasbourg)
Partners: N. Doignon Camus (LISEC – University of Strasbourg), H. Vassiliadou, F. Gerhard-Krait (LILPA – University of Strasbourg)
- 2016-2020: Extern partner of the ANR « APPREL2 : Learning and development of the L2 lexicon in a school learning context »
Supervisor S. Casalis (SCALab – CNRS – University of Lille)
Partners: L. Ott (SCALab – CNRS - University of Lille), E. Demont, E. Commissaire (LPC – University of Strasbourg), R. Peereman (LNPC, CNRS – University of Grenoble Alpes), H. Hilton (Laboratoire CRTT – University Lyon 2), M. Comesaña (Human Cognition Lab – University of Minho – Portugal), L. Duncan (Language & Learning Lab, University of Dundee – UK)
- 2015-2016 : Partner of the project "Rêve aux lettres Dys", in collaboration with 'Créalettres' company, the dyslexic association APEDA, and the team "Cognitive Development and learning" from the LPC lab. Funding from the Alsace Region on a "social innovation" project.
Partners: E. Demont (LPC – Université de Strasbourg), E. Comissaire (LPC – Université de Strasbourg)
- 2014-2015 : Partners of « IDEX Attractivité » project : “Second language vocabulary acquisition and impact of words' formal features: behavioral and electro-physiological studies"
Supervisor: E. Commissaire (LPC – Université de Strasbourg)
Partners: E. Demont (LPC – Université de Strasbourg), Nathalie Gettliffe (LILPA – Université de Strasbourg)
- 2012-2013 : Co-supervisor (with V. Boudjemadi) of the project founding Scientific Committee of the University of Strasbourg « Bilingualism and written words recognition : an implicit cognition paradigm »
Partners: N. Marec-Breton (LP3C, University Rennes 2), C. Royer (Lab Paragraphe –Cergy-Pontoise University)
Organization of conferences
- 2018 - Workshop “Speech therapist facing bilingual or multilingual patient” - ESEIS - LPC- LILPA. Organization Committee: A.S. Besse, F. Nafzinger, H. Vassiliadou. 7-8 December, Strasbourg, France.
- 2015- Member of the organization committee & scientific committee 56ème conference of the French Society of Psychology, 2-4 September, Strasbourg, France.
- 2015 – Organizer of the symposium "The use of the written words morphology in adults and children" 56e conference of the SFP – 2 September, Strasbourg, France.
- 2014 – International Conference “learning written language: diversity of languages, uniqueness of disorders” (December 2014) – Funding: Unistra, RégionAlsace – Organization committee : E. Demont, AS Besse, E. Commissaire
Studding direction
Current PhD
- Carolina MOREIRA ROGANTI LEITE (Psychology joint PhD University of Strasbourg – University of São Paulo). Learning to read and bilingualism: The role of morphological awareness in French speakers of grade 1, 3 and 5, learning Portuguese in a Brazilian immersion context (defense expected in September 2019). co-direction with Elisabeth Demont, Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Strasbourg, & Fraulein Vidigal de Paula, Professor of Psychology at the University of São Paulo).
Coming PhD
- Claire FONTAA (Psychology PhD – University of Strasbourg). Effects of training for written language learning of dyslexics and control readers children: speech therapy, morphological training, orthographical training. (registration expected from 2019 to 2022). Co-direction: Elisabeth Demont, Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Strasbourg & E. Commissaire Professor-assistant at the University of Strasbourg.
Direction of Master degree studies « developmental and learning psychology: childhood, adolescence, aging and disabilities », « speech therapy », MEEF
Teaching and collective responsabilities
- Social and cognitive development (Bachelor degree, 2nd level).
- Historical and cultural approaches in psychology (Bachelor degree, 2nd level).
- Disability and citizenship: school, society, word (Bachelor degree, 2nd level).
- Student project and valorisation skills (Bachelor degree, 3rd level)
- Research studies (Bachelor degree, 3rd level).
- Internship (Bachelor degree, 3rd level)
- Psycholinguistics: morphological processing and written word recognition (Bachelor degree, 3rd level)
- Scholar Education and language (Master degree: "Clinical and developmental Psychology", 1st level).
- Fundamental and Applied Research, level 1 (Master degree: "Clinical and Developmental Psychology", 1st level).
Oustide the Faculty of Psychology
- Reading skills development and dyslexia: Speech therapy certificate, 2nd level
- Written Language Learning: Training program "National Education Psychologist"
Scientific responsabilities
- Since 2017: Coordinator of the LPC meetings with members working on writing
- Since 2017: Organizer of monthly conference at the LPC
- Since 2017: Member of the GIS « Education & Formation » Scientific Committee (Dir. C. Clément –ESPE of Strasbourg)
- 2018: invited coeditor of the special issue about learning written language disabilities in ERAP
- 2018: Organizer of a 4-days training on the software R (Speaker: M. Maumy-Bertrand, Statistician, Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of Strasbourg)
Administrative responsabilities
- Since 2017 : Member of the LPC council
- Since 2011 : Member of the experts committee at the Faculty of Psychology – University of Strasbourg
- Since 2011 : Adviser for Students with disabilities in the Faculty of Psychology – University of Strasbourg
Educational responsabilities
- Since 2016: Supervisor of the Developmental Psychology Teaching Section at the Faculty of Psychology
- Since 2013: Supervisor of Master 1st level « Clinical and developmental Psychology » - Faculty of psychology.
- Teaching responsibilities: « Childhood, Family, Parenthood » (M2 “Clinical and developmental Psychology”); « Scholar education & language », « Institutional internship and psychologist’s tools » & « research project » (M1 “Clinical and developmental Psychology”); « Disability & Citizenship »&« Historical and Cultural Approaches in Psychology» (L2 Ψ)