PhD student in cognitive psychology (2022 – 2025)
Clinical psychologist specialised in developmental psychology
Funding: ministerial doctoral fellowship
Doctoral School of Humanities and Social Sciences. European Prospects – ED 519
University of Strasbourg (Unistra)
Laboratory of Psychology of Cognitions (LPC), UR 4440 – Office: 300A
E-mail: hiba.errajraji@etu.unistra.fr
Thesis and research topic
Thesis title: “Emotional activation upon word recognition in bilingual adults.”
Research topics:
> Bilingualism
> Emotional word activation
> Second language learning
> Pupillometry
PhD work:
Bilinguals express feeling less emotions when speaking their second language. The aim of my PhD project is to study this emotional distance. To this end, the first part of the project (1) aims to explore the processing of the emotional information of words by bilingual speakers. More specifically, the aim is to elucidate the conditions under which this distance occurs, and the mechanisms underlying it. The second part of the project (2) aims to investigate the origin of the emotional distance experienced. At the same time, it aims to study the impact of emotional variables on second language learning.
Academic education and research experience
Academic education
2022 – 2025: PhD in Cognitive Psychology (LPC, Unistra). Funding : ministerial doctoral fellowship.
Title: “Emotional activation upon word recognition in bilingual adults.”
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Commissaire, Assistant professor in psychology, Laboratory of Psychology of Cognitions (LPC).
2020 – 2022: MScs in Clinical Psychology specialised in developmental psychology, University of Strasbourg, France. Title of Clinical Psychologist.
Research dissertations:
> « Feeling up or down: The embodiment of emotional words. »
> « Emotional activation upon word reading in bilingual adults. »
> « Depression in institutionalised elderly people : the impact of an emotion-focused psychotherapy and light therapy »
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Commissaire
2017 – 2020: BScs in Psychology, University of Strasbourg, France.
Research dissertation: « Effect of vocabulary learning method on the integration of newly learned L2 words into the mental lexicon. »
Supervisor: Dr. Boddaert Gary
Research experience
23/05/2022 – 27/05/2022: Research Intern in the language team of the laboratory SCALab UPR 9193.
Supervisors: Pr. Severine Casalis and Dr. Florian Salomé.
09/2021 – 07/2022: Research assistant in the Laboratory of Psychology of Cognitions (LPC – UR 4440).
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Commissaire.
03/2021 – 06/2021: Research assistant in the Laboratory of Psychology of Cognitions (LPC – UR 4440). Funded by the National Research Agency (ANR)
Research project : « Apprentissage de mots et développement du lexique en langue seconde en contexte scolaire. » (Word learning and development of the lexicon in a second language learnedat school)
Supervisor: Dr. Eva Commissaire.
Conference : oral communications
Errajraji, H., & Commissaire, E. (2023). La distance émotionnelle chez l’adulte bilingue. Presented at the 2nd Conference of Young Researchers in Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Strasbourg, June 30, Strasbourg, France.
Errajraji, H., & Commissaire, E. (2021). The influence of emotional valence on the organisation of the mental lexicon. Presented at the 61st Conference of the French Society of Psychology (SFP), December, Tours, France.
Conference : posters
Errajraji, H., & Commissaire, E. (2022). Feeling up or down: the embodiment of emotional words. Poster presented at the 17th International Conference of Young Researchers in Psychology, December 2, Lille, France.
Teaching service
Teaching service at the Faculty of Psychology of Strasbourg
Since 2022: Methodology of academic work (bachelor degree, 1st level)
Since 2022: Research methodology: observation method (bachelor degree, 2nd level)
Since 2022: Cognitive psychology of language (bachelor degree, 3rd level)
Since 2022: Educational and language psychology (master degree, 1st level)
Since 2022: Cognitive ageing (master degree, 1st level)
Since 2023: Research project and thesis supervision (master degree, 1st level)