Université de Strasbourg


Elena Costache

Ph.D. student

University of Strasbourg
Cognitive Psychology Laboratory (LPC)

E-mail: me.costache@unistra.fr

Topics of interest

  • Emotional dysregulation in healthy subjects and adults with neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders
  • Impulsivity in emotionally dysregulated individuals: implication of stress inducing techniques and consequences in terms of self-harm and suicidal behaviors
  • Psychophysiological aspects of emotions in daily life routines
  • Alexithymia and emotional recognition
  • Efficacity of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Personality traits, cognitive biases, and psychopathology

Degrees and training



Ph.D. student (Psychology; Adult Clinical Stream), Cognitive Psychology Laboratory (LPC), University of Strasbourg, Supervisors: Pr. Luisa Weiner and Dr. Sebastien Weibel

Thesis: Emotional Dysregulation in healthy volunteers and adults with autism spectrum disorder without an intellectual disability: an ecological, cognitive and psychophysiological approach


Tuscany Order of Psychologists (registration #9524), Areas of practice: Assessment


M.A. (Clinical and Applied Cognitive Psychology), University of Padua, Italy

Thesis: Personality Traits and the Serotonin Transporter in Social Anxiety Disorder


B.Sc. (Medicine and Psychology), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Thesis: Attentional Biases and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder



Additional training


 3 days of Advanced Training of dialectical behavioural therapy with Pr. Shelley McMain (University of Toronto), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland

Employment history


Psychologist and research assistant

Topic of interest: Neuronal mechanisms underlying attentional lapses in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Psychologist and research assistant

Topic of interest: Efficacy of an online cognitive behavioral therapy program developed for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic


Graduate-level clinical psychology intern, supervisor: Pr. Luisa Weiner, Psychiatric Center, Strasbourg University Hospital


Graduate-level experimental psychology intern, supervisor: Pr. Tomas Furmark, Department of Psychology, Uppsala, Sweden



Doctoral Fellowship, John Bost Foundation


Erasmus+ Traineeship, Department of Psychology, University of Uppsala, Sweden


Psychology Graduate Scholarship, University of Padua, Italy


Erasmus Exchange Program Scholarship, University of Liège, Belgium


Psychology Undergraduate Scholarship, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


Peer-reviewed papers

1. Weibel, S., Bicego, F., Muller, S., Martz, E., Costache, M. E., Kraemer, C., ... & Weiner, L. (2021). Two Facets of Emotion Dysregulation Are Core Symptomatic Domains in Adult ADHD: Results from the SR-WRAADDS, a Broad Symptom Self-Report Questionnaire. Journal of Attention Disorders, 10870547211027647.

2. Costache, M. E., Frick, A., Månsson, K., Engman, J., Faria, V., Hjorth, O., ... & Rosén, J. (2020). Higher-and lower- order personality traits and cluster subtypes in social anxiety disorder. PloS one, 15(4), e0232187.

Poster presentations

1. Costache, M.E., Weibel, S., Weiner, L., Marques-Carneiro, J.E., Pham, B., ... & Bonnefond, A. (2020). Etude des liens  entre symptomatologie inattentive, vagabondage d’ésprit et performances cognitives chez des sujets sains présentant un trait inattentif. Congrés Français de Psychiatrie (CFP), Strasbourg.

2. Costache, M. E., Weiner, L. (2019). La dysmorphophobie dans le TSA sans DI : considérations psychopathologiques, neuropsychologiques et thérapeutiques à partir d’une étude de cas. Congrès Français de Psychiatrie (CFP), Nice.

3. Luisa, W., Bemmouna, D., Lachaux, E., Costache, M. E., Weibel, S. (2019). Dialectical Behaviour Therapy in a high- functioning adult with Autism Spectrum Disorder. World Congres of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT), Berlin, Germany.

4. Martz, E., Costache, M.E., Rochotte, L., Weiner, L. (2019). Remédiation cognitive de la mémoire de travail chez une patiente présentant un diagnostic de TDAH, dévoilé après un épuisement professionnel. Congrès Français de Psychiatrie, Nice.

Invited conference

1. Costache, M.E. (2021). Emotional Dysregulation in adults with autism spectrum disorder  without an intellectual disability: an ecological, cognitive and psychophysiological approach. Flash communication: 10th Annual Scientific Day - Center of Excellence for Autism and Neurodevelopmental disorders, STRAS&ND (2021).