TASSI Patricia
Professeure en Psychologie Clinique, orientation Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive
Université de Strasbourg (UdS)
Laboratoire de Psychologie des Cognitions (LPC)
Mail : patricia.tassi@unistra.fr
Tél : 03 68 85 19 14
Téléchargez ICI le CV complet de P. Tassi
Formation et Parcours
Fonctions universitaires
- 2011 - Professeure des Universités (section 16)
- 1999 - Maître de Conférences (HDR)
- 1994 - Maître de Conférences (section 16 et 69)
- 1993 - Attachée Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche
Formation universitaire et autres diplômes
- 2013 - Formation en Méditation de la Pleine Conscience (Programme MBSR de L’institut Français Pleine Conscience Mindfulness)
- 2011 - Diplôme de l’Association Française des Thérapies Comportementales et Cognitives
- 1999 - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
- 1992 - Thèse de Doctorat de l'Université (Spécialité Neurosciences
- 1988 - Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA) de Régulations Physiologiques et Comportementales.
- 1987 - Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées (DESS) en Psychopathologie
Thématiques de recherche
Le sommeil humain, normal et pathologique :
- Thérapies comportementales et cognitives de l’insomnie.
- Insomnie et personnalité : les facettes du neuroticisme.
- Effets de la privation de sommeil dans la comparaison sociale et la prise de risque.
- Sommeil pathologique et méditation de pleine conscience.
Publications et Activités scientifiques
Articles publiés dans des revues scientifiques à comité de lecture
Altintas, E., Karaca, Y., Hullaert, T., & Tassi, P. (2019). Sleep quality and video game playing: Effect of intensity of video game playing and mental health. Psychiatry Research, 273, 487- 492.
Rusnac, N., Spitzenstetter, F., & Tassi, P. (2019). Chronic sleep loss and risk-taking behavior: does the origin of sleep loss matter ? Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 17(6), 729-739.
Tassi P, De Seze J (2018) Non Pharmacological Treatment of Insomnia in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Brief Review. J Sleep Disord Med Care 1(1): dx.doi.org/10.16966/jsdmc.101
Rusnac, N., Spitzenstetter, F., & Tassi, P. (2016). Eveningness is associated with higher risk-taking in dangerous driving situations. Chronobiology International, 33(7):937-41. FI : 3,343
Chauvin, B., Thibault-Stoll, A., Chassagnon, S., Biry, S., Petiau, C., Tassi, P. (2015). Sleep-related cognitions mediate the impact of neuroticism on insomnia. American Journal of Health Behavior, 39(5), 623-631. (FI: 1,31)
Grenèche, J., Krieger, J., Bertrand, F., Erhardt, C., Maumy, M., Tassi, P. (2013). Effect of continuous positive airway pressure treatment on short-term memory performance over 24 h of sustained wakefulness in patients with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome. Sleep Medicine, 14, 964-972. (FI: 3.487)
Tassi,P., Rohmer, O., Bonnefond, A., Margiocchi, F., Poisson, F., Schimchowitsch, S. (2013). Long term exposure to nocturnal railway noise produces chronic signs of cognitive deficits and diurnal sleepiness. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 33, 45-52. (FI: 2.4)
Philip, P, Sagaspe, P, Prague, M, Tassi, P, Capelli, A, Bioulac, B, Commenges, D, Taillard, J. (2012). Acute versus chronic partial sleep deprivation in middle-aged people : differential effects on performance and sleepiness. Sleep, 35(7), 997-1002. (FI: 5,051)
Tassi, P., Schimchowitsch, S., Rohmer, O., Elbaz, M., Bonnefond, A., Sagaspe, P., Taillard, J., Leger, D., Philip, P. (2012). Effects of acute and chronic sleep deprivation on daytime alertness and cognitive performance of healthy snorers and non snorers, Sleep Medicine, 13, 29-35. (FI: 3,7)
Grenèche, J., Krieger, J., Bertrand, F., Erhardt, C., Maumy, M., Tassi, P. (2011). Short-term memory performances during sustained wakefulness in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome. Brain and Cognition, 75(1), 39-50. (FI: 2.547).
Grenèche, J., Krieger, J., Bertrand, F., Erhardt, C., Muzet, A., Tassi, P. (2011). Effect of continuous positive airway pressure treatment on the subsequent EEG spectral power and sleepiness over sustained wakefulness in patients with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome. Clinical Neurophysiology, 122, 958-965. (FI: 3,122)
Tassi, P., Thibault-Stoll, A., Chassagnon, S., Biry, S., Petiau, C. (2010). Thérapie comportementale et cognitive de l’insomnie. Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive, 30(4), 125-130.
Tassi, P., Rohmer, O., Schimchowitsch, S., Eschenlauer, A., Margiocchi, F., Poisson, F. & Muzet, A. (2010). Living alongside railway tracks: Long-term effects of nocturnal noise on sleep and cardiovascular reactivity as a function of age, Environment International, 36, 683-689. (FI: 4.786).
TASSI, P., SAREMI, M., SCHIMCHOWITSCH, S., ESCHENLAUER, A., ROHMER, O. et MUZET, A. (2010). Cardiovascular responses to railway noise during sleep in young and middle-aged adults. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 108(4), 671-680. (FI: 2,047)
SAREMI, M., ROHMER, O., BURGMEIER, A., BONNFOND, A., MUZET, A., TASSI, P. (2008). Combined effect of noise and shiftwork on fatigue as a function of age. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 14(4), 365-372 (FI: 0.407).
SAREMI, M., GRENECHE, J., BONNEFOND, A., ROHMER, O., ESCHENLAUER, A., TASSI, P. (2008). Effects of nocturnal railway noise on sleep fragmentation in young and middle-aged subjects as a function of type of train and noise intensity. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 70(3), 184-191. (FI: 3,045)
TASSI, P., BLANC, F., DE SEZE, J. (2008). Sclérose en plaques et conduite automobile. SEP et Neurosciences, 28, 11-17.
GRENECHE, J., SAREMI, M., EHRHARD, C., HOEFT, A., ESCHENLAUER, A., MUZET, A., TASSI, P. (2008). Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome and subsequent EEG spectral power. European Respiratory Journal, 32(3), 705-709. (FI: 5.53)
BONNEFOND, A., ROHMER, O., ENGASSER, O., HOEFT, A., ESCHENLAUER, A., ESCHENLAUER, R., MUZET, A., TASSI, P. (2008). Effects of age and task complexity on EEG and performance in relation with psychological states. Journal of Psychophysiology, 22(1), 100-109. (FI: 2,488).
TASSI, P., GRENECHE, J., PEBAYLE, T., ESCHENLAUER, A., HOEFT, A., BONNEFOND, A., ROHMER, O., MUZET, A. (2008). Are OSA patients impaired in driving ability on a circuit with medium traffic density? Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 40(4), 1365-1370 (FI: 1.647).
BONNEFOND, A., SAREMI, M., ROHMER, O., HOEFT, A., ESCHENLAUER, A., ESCHENLAUER, R., MUZET, A., TASSI, P. (2008). Effects of nocturnal railway noise on subsequent cognitive performance and subjective ratings, Somnology, 12, 130-138.
GRENECHE, J., KRIEGER, F., ERHARDT, C., BONNEFOND, A., ESCHENLAUER, A., MUZET, A. et TASSI, P. (2008). EEG Spectral Power and sleepiness during 24 hours of sustained wakefulness in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 119(2), 418-428. (FI: 3,122).
Tassi, P., Bonnefond, A., Engasser, O., Hoeft, A., Eschenlauer, R. et Muzet, A. (2006). EEG spectral power and cognitive performance during sleep inertia: the effect of normal sleep duration and partial sleep deprivation. Physiology & Behavior, Vol. 87, 177-184. (FI: 3,295)
ROHMER, O., BONNEFOND, A., MUZET, A. et P. TASSI. (2004). Etude du rythme veille/sommeil, de l’activité motrice générale et du comportement alimentaire de travailleurs postés obèses : L’exemple des infirmières. Le Travail Humain, Vol. 67(4), 359-377. (FI: 0.121)
BONNEFOND, A., TASSI, P. ROGE, J. et MUZET, A. (2004). A critical review of techniques aiming at enhancing and sustaining worker's alertness during the night shift. Industrial Health. Vol. 42, 1-14. (FI: 1,215)
BONNEFOND, A., ROHMER, O., HOEFT, A., MUZET, A. et TASSI, P. (2003). Interaction of age with time of day and mental load in different cognitive tasks. Perceptual and Motor Skill. Vol 96, 1223-1236.
BONNEFOND, A., GISSELBRECHT, D., HOEFT, A., ESCHENLAUER, R., MUZET, A. et TASSI, P. (2003). Cognitive performance in middle-aged adults as a function of time of day and task load. Neurobiology of Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle. Vol 3(1), 1-43.
TASSI, P., BONNEFOND, A., HOEFT, A., ESCHENLAUER, R. et MUZET, A. (2003). Arousal and vigilance: do they differ? Study in a sleep inertia paradigm. Sleep Research Online. Vol 5(3), 83-87.
TASSI, P. et MUZET, A. (2001).Defining the states of consciousness. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Review, Vol 25 pp 175-191. (FI: 7,791)
TASSI, P. et MUZET, A. (2000). Sleep Inertia. Sleep Medicine Reviews, Vol 4 (4) pp 341-353. (FI: 5.967)
TASSI, P., PELLERIN, N., MOESSINGER, M., ESCHENLAUER, R. et MUZET, A. (2000). Variation of visual detection over the 24-hour period in humans. Chronobiology International, Vol 17(6) pp 795-805. (FI: 3.987)
TASSI, P., PELLERIN, N., HOEFT, A., MOESSINGER, M. , et MUZET, A. (2000). Visual resolution in humans fluctuates over the 24-hour period. Chronobiology International, Vol 17(2) pp 187-195. (FI: 3.987)
TASSI, P., DUFOUR, A., DEWASMES, G. et MUZET, A. (2000). Effects of ambient temperature on visual sensitivity and decision-making in a paradigm of inverted sleep-wake cycle. European Review for Applied Psychology, Vol 49(4) pp 195-202. (FI: 0.231)
TASSI, P., PELLERIN, N. et MUZET, A. (1999). Diurnal pattern of luminance discrimination in humans. Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 89 pp 626-628.
TASSI, P. et PINS, D. (1997). Diurnal rhythmicity for visual sensitivity in human? Chronobiology International, Vol. 14(1) pp 35-48. (FI: 3.987)
MUZET, A., NICOLAS, A., TASSI, P., DEWASMES, G. et BONNEAU, A. (1995). Implementation of napping in industry and the problem of sleep inertia. Journal of Sleep Research, Vol. 4 (Suppl. 2) pp 67-69. (FI: 3,5)
TASSI, P., NICOLAS, A. et MUZET, A. (1995). Aménagement d'une strategie de sommeil nocturne dans le cadre du travail posté : analyse des principaux déterminants. Le Travail Humain, Vol. 57 (2) pp 111-129. (FI: 0,121)
SALAME P., EHRHART J., OTZENBERGER H., DEWASMES G., NICOLAS A., TASSI P., LIBERT J.P. & MUZET A. (1995). Effects of sleep inertia on cognitive performance following a one-hour nap. Work and Stress, 9: 528-539. (FI: 2,410).
NICOLAS, A., BACH, V., TASSI, P., DEWASMES, G., EHRHART, J., MUZET, A. et LIBERT, J.P. (1993). EEG and cardiovascular responses to noise during daytime sleep in shiftworkers. European Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 66, pp 76-84. (FI: 2,047)
TASSI, P., NICOLAS, A., SEEGMULLER, C., LIBERT, J.P. et MUZET, A. (1993). Interaction of alerting effects of noise with partial sleep deprivation and circadian rhythmicity of vigilance. Perceptual and Motor Skills., Vol. 77. pp 1239-1248.
TASSI, P., NICOLAS, A., DEWASMES, G., ESCHENLAUER, R., EHRHART, J., SALAME, P., MUZET, A. et LIBERT, J.P. (1992). Effects of noise on sleep inertia as a function of circadian placement of a one-hour nap. Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 75. pp 291-302.
LIBERT, J.P., TASSI P., BACH, V., NICOLAS, A., BELIN, B., WITTERSHEIM, G. et KELLER, D. (1991). Privation partielle de sommeil et charge thermique : effets sur une tâche de vigilance. Le Travail Humain, Vol. 55 (3), pp. 219-236. (FI: 0.121)
BACH, V., LIBERT, J.P., TASSI, P., WITTERSHEIM, G., JOHNSON, L.C. et EHRHART, J. (1991). Cardiovascular responses and EEG disturbances to intermittent noises: effects of nocturnal heat and daytime exposure. European Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 63, pp 330-337. (FI: 2,047)
Enseignement et Responsabilités Collectives
Années | Activités |
En Cours | Création de diplôme
Responsabilités pédagogiques
Depuis et Années antérieures | Création de diplôme
Cours (1994 à 2013)
Responsabilités pédagogiques
Responsabilités administratives