Published papers 2016
Gentzling, A., Chauvin, B., & Rohmer, O. (2016). Identification et analyse des prises de décision dans la chaîne de soins en radiothérapie. Psycho-Oncologie. doi: 10.1007/s11839-016-0587-x
Rohmer, O., & Louvet, E. (2016). Implicit stereotyping against people with disability. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. doi : 10.1177/1368430216638536
Louvet, E., & Rohmer, O. (2016). Evaluation des personnes en situation de handicap en milieu éducatif et professionnel : approche expérimentale. Nouvelle Revue de l'Adaptation et de la Scolarisation, 74, 145-159.
Schimchowitsch, S., & Rohmer, O. (2016). Can we reduce our implicit prejudice? The challenge of meditation. International of Disability, Development and Education. doi: org/10.1080/1034912X.2016.1156656
Mignon, A., Mollaret, P., Rohmer, O., & Bagès, C. (2016). Effect of political orientation on perception of agency, competence, morality, and warmth: The French presidential election 2012. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 1, 35-45.
Rusnac, N., Spitzenstetter, F., & Tassi, P. (2016). Eveningness is associated with higher risk-taking in dangerous driving situations. Chronobiology International, 33(7):937-41. FI : 3,343